
Ranchi-Tukupani Simdega Drape

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This tribal drape from southwestern Jharkhand begins with a knotted set of pleats at the navel akin to a ‘flower in bloom’.

  • Sari Length 4.5 meters / 5 yards
  • Sari Courtesy of Malika Verma Kashyap
  • Sari Detail Lace, 100% nylon
  • Blouse Comme des Garçons
  • Associate Producer Good Earth
How-to Drape Instructions
  1. Hold inner end with left hand and make about 6 pleats with outer end.
  2. Use inner end to tie knot around gathered pleats at center front waist.
  3. Bring outer end anticlockwise and drape front to back over right shoulder.
  4. Drape remaining outer end under fanned pleats anticlockwise and tuck in at waist.
  5. Fan pleats into a flower.

*For optimal viewing, enable captions (CC) and HD by adjusting settings at film’s lower right hand corner. For helpful basic techniques, select ‘Draping Basics’ under filter options.